EA Scorecard

Enterprise Architecture Score Card

The Enterprise Architecture Scorecard is based on a balanced scorecard for measuring the results of the Enterprise Architecture.
It should provide provide a set of metrics for measuring the performance across several different measurement areas.

Customer Results

Service Coverage

The extent to which the desired customer population is being served and customers are using products and services

Timeliness & Responsiveness

Time to respond to customer inquiries and requests and time to deliver products or services

Service Quality

Quality from the customer ’s perspective and accuracy of responses to customer inquiries

Service Accessibility

Availability of Business Services to customers and the extent of self-service options and automation

Customer Benefit

Customer satisfaction levels and tangible impacts to customers as a result of the products or services provided

Business Process Productivity and Efficiency

The amount of work accomplished per relevant units of time and resources applied


Error rates and complaints related to products or services

Financial (Processes and Activities)

Achieving financial measures, direct and indirect total and per unit costs of producing products and services, and costs saved or avoided.

Cycle Time and Timeliness

The time required to produce products or services

Management and Innovation

Management policies and procedures, compliance with applicable requirements, capabilities in risk mitigation, knowledge management, and continuous improvement.

Security and Privacy

The extent to which security is improved and privacy addressed

Information, Applications & Technology Quality

The extent to which technology satisfies functionality or capability requirements or best practices, and complies with standards.

Reliability & Availability

System or application capacity, availability to users, and system or application failures.

Financial (Technology)

Technology-related costs and costs avoided through reducing or eliminating IT redundancies.

Knowledge, Information & Data

Data or information sharing, standardization, reliability and quality, and storage capacity.


System or application performance in terms of response time, interoperability, user accessibility, and improvement in technical capabilities or characteristics


Extent to which users are satisfied with the relevant application or system, whether it meets user requirements, and its impact on the performance of the Business processes it enables and the customer or mission results to which it contributes.

Example EA Scorecard

Example EA scorecard

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